Wednesday, February 01, 2006


A Tribute To Elvis

A Tribute to Elvis:
Here we are in 2006, a new year and many new functions and competions. For it's never over, til its over. Come out and see us, we shall be in various places and events. As always we appreicate your support , as we remember Elvis and his Legacy. If you here of an event, come out and give us your support. This year we are hoping to be in Coldwater, Branson MS, Memphis and taking time out at Fanfare in Nashville. We will also be in Lake George again this year and please come out and cheer on your fellow Canadians. And lets not forget Collingwood Elvis Festival, Orilla , Stouville. Hope to see all of you there.
Thanks and be well. Aloha..... David and Silvana (my manager)

Dave you are always one of the sweetest guys I have known and a REAL guy at that. I believe you do love the Lord. Love your pictures. So glad you are married and happy and enjoying life. God bless, Susan E.
hey sorrrrrrrrrrrrrry took me so long thank you very much
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